Pre-Marital and Pre-Engagement Therapy
Congratulations on the overwhelming joy that you are experiencing right now! After searching for the right person for years, you’ve finally found the person you weren’t sure even existed! Being engaged and considering engagement is such an exciting time! You also know that this is such an important time to be aware of the realities of marriage and the true nature of you and your partner. That is exactly what brought you here; you want to be aware and grounded while enjoying the bliss of this stage of your relationship.
Benefits of Pre-Marital and Pre-Engagement Therapy
Gaining a professional perspective about your relationship
The use of assessments to deep dive into the strengths and potential challenges of your relationship (Gottman Connect Assessment and/or Prepare and Enrich Assessment)
Married couples that attend pre-marital therapy are more likely to last as a couple
Supportive reality check for your relationship while you are in the infatuation stage of your relationship
Help navigating current challenges in your relationship
Developing a plan for future challenges in your relationship
Strengthening your bond through improved communication and connection
A place to vent about wedding planning stress :)
What to Expect in Session
Marriage can be a beautiful and secure place where you and your partner co-create your own world that supports your values and goals. And, it takes work to create that space.
Whether you are engaged or considering engagement, I can help! I support couples like you in exploring your individual and couple values to give you both a sense of what you can expect in your marriage. I will also educate you both on the most effective ways to communicate, resolve conflict and connect more deeply. I will send you pdfs, assessments, articles, etc to help you remember what we have worked on even after our time together is over. We will also practice new skills in session.
The outline of our sessions will follow the layout of the Prepare and Enrich assessment that both you and your partner will complete. It will take us 9 sessions to complete the work associated with the assessment. We will look at everything from your personality traits, stressors, how to deal with stress, family dynamics, values and more. We’ll also incorporate anything else that you bring to session that feels important to planning your future.
If you are interested in pre-engagement therapy and do not yet want to complete the Prepare and Enrich assessment, we can start by having you both complete the Gottman Connect assessment. The Gottman Connect assessment will highlight the areas of your relationship that are strong indicators of a lasting relationship as well as the areas that may be a hindrance to the longevity of your relationship. These are areas that Dr. John and Julie Gottman have identified in their decades of research on what causes couples to have lasting marriages.
For a more detailed breakdown of what your couples sessions will look like, click the button below and scroll to the What to Expect in Session section.
Whether you are ready to start working with me in Arvada Colorado or you still have some questions, I encourage you to reach out via phone or email using the buttons below.
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