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Anxiety Treatment in Colorado

Anxiety is bossy. At times, it feels like it controls your life. The constant checking and re-checking your work at your job. Replaying social situations in your head, searching for any fault in your behaviors. Relentless thinking about how to make the best decisions and be the most prepared. Its impact on your body through your quickened heartbeat, sweating, trembling and fidgeting. Some days it leaves you frozen, unable to engage in life the way you want to. Other times it convinces you to over perform, in an effort to avoid what you fear. It saps your energy without permission. Not to mention the impact that it has on your relationships. Your loved ones understand that you have anxiety, but they don’t always understand that you can’t control the way that it shows up. It feels like the barrier to the life you want to live.

Psychology Session
Hugging a Pillow
Man in Hooded Sweatshirt
Woman Stalked in Garage
Girl Sitting

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety can present itself in many different ways, beyond what is listed here. Below are just a few commonly reported symptoms.


  • Persistent Worry

  • Fidgeting

  • Repetitive Behaviors

  • Trouble Sleeping

  • Difficulty Relaxing

  • Heavy Sweating

  • Difficulty concentrating on topics outside of what you are worrying about

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Gastrointestinal issues including constipation, gas and diarrhea

  • Avoidance of possible triggers

Benefits of Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety has been a part of your life for so long that it is difficult to imagine it looking any different than it does right now. Your anxiety will likely never completely disappear for you, but you can learn how to manage the symptoms more effectively. Therapy can be your place to talk through your fears and symptoms. In therapy, you will learn different skills and techniques to manage your symptoms that are specific to you. Life after therapy will have you feeling more aware of your triggers, best-fit coping skills and the strengths that you bring to anxiety producing situations. YOU will be the one in control when your anxiety shows up.


Your needs direct our sessions.  We will look at your values, goals, your background including your family and significant events. All of this helps us understand what brought you to this present moment. It will also be useful in understanding how to integrate past parts of you with present parts of you. We may draw from personality, attachment and mental health assessments as appropriate. Other times we may draw from the enneagram and be observant of what feels best to you. You’ll learn how to plan for potentially triggering events and what to do when your anxiety shows up out of nowhere. You will be provided with resources such as pdfs, book or podcast recommendations, etc, whenever relevant. The intention is to provide you with whatever is necessary to help make your learning accessible outside of session.

To reach out and schedule your first appointment, use one of the buttons below to contact me. Need to ask questions!? Use the same buttons below to send me your questions or schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation.

For a breakdown of what your sessions will look like, click the button below and scroll to the What to Expect in Session section.

To see Empowered Therapy’s other specialities, click on the buttons below to learn more!

Distanced Couple

Emotionally Avoidant

Lazy Morning

People Pleasing

Working on Laptop

Online Therapy


Christian Counseling

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